Waterproofing, air and wind tightness

Ventilation, waterproofing, airtightness
Elements for roof ventilation
Under-ridge elements
Accessories for ventilation
Connections for chimneys and walls
Breathable membranes and vapour control layers
Breathable roof membranes – Protector Line
Breathable roof membranes – Superior Line
Breathable roof membranes – Eurostandard Line
Separating layers for metal roof coverings
Breathable wall membranes
Vapour control layers with linear Sd value – Superior Line
Vapour control layers with variable hygrometry – Superior Line
Vapour control layers – Eurostandard Line
Vapour barriers
Auto-adhesive protective screens and membranes
Temporary rain sheets
Waterproofing, air and wind tightness
Acrylic adhesive tapes
Butyl adhesive tapes
Seals for windows
Nail sealing products
Ground connections
Sealings for wooden structures
Adhesives and sealants
AIR Stop Line
Systems for flat and green roofs
Membrana sintetica EVALON
Membrane sintetiche T-PE, T-Plan, Enkolan, ELLE-Plan
Completamento del pacchetto di copertura
Strati tecnici e drenanti
Fissaggi per membrane su tetto piano
Profili metallici
Profili frontali
Profili coprimuro
Profili di collegamento
Tecnologie di finitura
Tetto verde
Tetto verde RF
Fall protection systems
Sicurezza Residenziale
Dispositivi di ancoraggio LUX-top
Linea Vita LUX-top
Ganci di sicurezza sottotegola
Sistemi fermaneve
Sottostrutture per moduli fotovoltaici
Sicurezza Industriale
Parapetto RIALTO
Binari e scale di sicurezza
Sicurezza per lucernari
Linea Vita Industry
Parapetto Dynamic
Temporary safety on site
Sicurezza – Sistemi anticaduta
Linea Vita RED
Parapetti anticaduta
Reti anticaduta
Ponteggi – Altrad Baumann
Attrezzatura tecnica per cantiere
Attrezzatura tecnica
Macchinari da elevazione GEDA
Scale e trabattelli
Scale multifunzione
Contenitori e cantilever
Barelle di trasporto
Contenitori multiuso

Tape 2 CO

The ideal connection sealent for wooden houses

Quick overview: strengths

– Butyl adhesive cord
Its conformation makes it perfect for sealing between wood surfaces
– Guarantees the adhesive seal even in the event of movement of the support material
– Characterized by butyl glue with a high seal and free of solvents

Glue carrier material-
Measures6 mm x 7 m
Operating temperature -40°C / +100°C
Box22 pc